ISSA Middle East

Nutrition and Suppliment course

Nutrition & Supplement Course description​

1. Free radicals & antioxidants (2hours)​ -The free radicals and their negative impact on general health and sports performance.​ -How to design an antioxidants program to keep free radicals at bay. ​

​ 2. Vitamins & Minerals (1hour). ​ -RDA Vs. PDA​ -How to design a Vitamins & Minerals program to enhance sports performance.​

3. Lactic acid scavengers (2hours). ​ -How lactic acid affects performance. ​ -Learn how to design a bullet proof supplement plan to beat the burn.​

4. The endocrine system (4 hours)​ -Learn how the endocrine system work. ​ -Learn how to boost your hormones naturally for maximum gains in size & strength. ​

5. Carbo-depletion and loading for bodybuilders (1hour). ​ - Learn the science of carbohydrates loading before a bodybuilding contest for maximum ​ muscle fullness and razor-sharp striations​

6. The immune system (2 hours). Learn how your immune system works and how to boost it for better health and physical performance. Total number of hours:12Accreditation: Reps UAE: 10 CPD PointsISSA: 12 Cec's​